Magical 睡火山朱古力禮盒(聖誕特別版)

Magical 睡火山朱古力禮盒(聖誕特別版)

Regular price$488.00
  • 蘋果肉桂 Apple Cinnamon 

The smooth creamy white chocolate provides the perfect backdrop to the outburst of the spicy cinnamon, complicated by the tartness of green apple peel only for those who taste it to the utmost details.

  • 合桃法式蛋卷 French Walnut Rolls

The bitter savory note of dark chocolate assembled with the tangy walnut flavor.While the thin layered French rolls provides a crispy bite that lightens up the pronounced chocolaty taste.

  • 杏仁曲奇 Almond Cookie

The sweet nutty flavor chocolate goes harmoniously with the buttery cookie base note. A delicate vanilla hint finishes with roundness and finesse.

  • 玄米茶 Genmaicha

Toasted grain aroma with a light floral note reinterpret the chocolate flavor to a new horizon.The roasted tea fragrance imparts a subtle yet savory tone in every bite.

  • 雜莓 Merry Berries

The vibrant acidulous punch of the mixed berries spikes up the gentle smooth white chocolate.The finest nuances of strawberries, raspberries and blueberries orchestrates the most delightful symphony for the taste bud.

*用優惠碼 "XMAS2023" 購買Magical睡火山朱古力禮盒可獲8折優惠。

Joyful 睡火山朱古力禮盒(聖誕特別版)

Regular price$338.00
  • 蘋果肉桂 Apple Cinnamon 

The smooth creamy white chocolate provides the perfect backdrop to the outburst of the spicy cinnamon, complicated by the tartness of green apple peel only for those who taste it to the utmost details.

  • 合桃法式蛋卷 French Walnut Rolls

The bitter savory note of dark chocolate assembled with the tangy walnut flavor.While the thin layered French rolls provides a crispy bite that lightens up the pronounced chocolaty taste.

  • 杏仁曲奇 Almond Cookie

The sweet nutty flavor chocolate goes harmoniously with the buttery cookie base note. A delicate vanilla hint finishes with roundness and finesse.

  • 玄米茶 Genmaicha

Toasted grain aroma with a light floral note reinterpret the chocolate flavor to a new horizon.The roasted tea fragrance imparts a subtle yet savory tone in every bite.

  • 雜莓 Merry Berries

The vibrant acidulous punch of the mixed berries spikes up the gentle smooth white chocolate.The finest nuances of strawberries, raspberries and blueberries orchestrates the most delightful symphony for the taste bud.

*用優惠碼 "XMAS2023" 購買Joyful睡火山朱古力禮盒可獲8折優惠。


ChocoNext 手工蝴蝶酥杏仁棒,100%香港製造, 堅持不添加防腐劑,採用優質原料製成,香脆囗感,送禮或獨食。盡情享受屬於自己的甜蜜幸福時刻。

經典的法式糕點, 精緻的形態 酥脆的蝴蝶酥經過專業製作, 清甜和鬆脆口感之間取得平衡

杏仁與脆餅底的微妙甜味相結合, 令您不能停口




  1. 準備200毫升牛奶。
  2. 將 200 毫升牛奶倒入杯中。
  3. 將杯中的牛奶放入微波爐中加熱 1-2 分鐘。
  4. 從微波爐中取出加熱的牛奶。
  5. 將一支ChocoNext黑朱古力攪攪棒放入熱牛奶中。
  6. 輕輕攪拌,直到朱古力融化並混入熱牛奶中。
  7. 完成!請品嚐自製朱古力牛奶的美味!



紅鑽 • 淡香

紫鑽 • 濃香

*預計12月中旬可取貨,ChocoNext 會再聯絡通知確實取貨日期